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Our Code of Conduct

Towards Sustainable & Ethical Business Practices

At Search Haus , we are committed to support and actively pursue conformance to the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) Code of Conduct . We will also conduct our business with integrity and in strict compliance with the law. By doing the right thing, we earn the trust of our customers, coworkers, suppliers, regulators and the communities where we live and work. 


Our Code of Conduct is the foundation of the way we conduct our business and our commitment to compliance and ethics.  


As part of supply chain performance requirement, we expect our suppliers also to uphold and adhere to expectations for responsible recruiting and good business ethics.



As a member of the recruitment industry, we will honour and adhere to  local and international standards of responsible recruiting :


1) Freely Chosen Employment - We do not tolerate the use of child labour nor any form of  involuntary labor, such as slavery ,forced, bonded (including debt bondage), coerced, or indentured labor. All our employees and personnel that we recruit or process , must be voluntary and not subject to any physical, mental, or financial intimidation or pressure. All personnel will have the freedom to terminate their employment at any time.


2) Meet Min Age Requirement - all our employees and personnel that we recruit or process , must be of min age 18. In the event we recruit or process any young workers (Age 15-17), they shall not be allowed to perform any overtime work, shift work or dangerous work.


3) Anti Discrimination & Anti Harassment -

We celebrate diversity and inclusion. We take measures against discrimination, reprisal, intimidation and harassment in the communities that we serve, employ and recruit. Religion, age, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, race, color, ethnicity , disability, pregnancy, political affiliation, union membership or marital status does not affect hiring, promotion, development opportunities, pay, or benefits. 


4) Freedom of Movement - We must not unreasonably restrict any employee's or person's freedom of movement and we will not hold or destroy, conceal, confiscate, or deny access to any person's original identity or immigration documents, such as government-issued identification, passports, or work permits.




1.   Acting ethically means that we must

      act with integrity and uphold our        

      responsibility to follow all laws and

      regulations related to our work


2.   We will only gather and use    

      information about our customers ,    

      suppliers, job applicants fairly, legally,       and ethically                                              

3.   We will safeguard privileged personal       data and confidential information of           suppliers, contractors, customers,

      and job applicants placed in our

      care.By releasing privileged personal

      data to us, you will be deemed to

      have given your consent to

      our gathering data for business

      purpose. We will not divulge,transfer,

      or make available personal data and

      confidential information unless

      required by law. 


4.   We will not offer, pay, solicit or accept

      a bribe or or any personal benefits-in-

      kind or participate in any form of

      corruption or extortion in any of our

      dealings with our clients, our

      suppliers and any other

      3rd party, either directly or indirectly , 

      in order to obtain or retain business,

      or otherwise gain an improper 



5.   We will practise standards of

      fair business, advertising and

      competition to ensure that all

      information and communications with

      suppliers, clients and job

      applicants are true and accurate at all






In the event any employee, partner, or job applicant experienced any inappropriate treatment during the recruitment process or at work ; or suspect any improper, unethical, or illegal practice , you are encouraged to report and raise the matter to the attention of our management and you may choose to remain anonymous should you  wish to do so . Anyone is welcomed to report via the company’s official contact channels or use the email address or contact form provided on our website. While you are encouraged to leave any email contact in the event we need more information , you need not provide your name or contact if you wish to report anonymously while using the contact form on our website.


We adhere strictly to a policy of non-retaliation and prohibits any attempts of reprisal or retaliation against anyone who filed the report . Reports of improper, unethical, or illegal behaviour including attempts to impede or interfere with an ongoing investigation or harass any relevant party, will be investigated thoroughly and severely dealt with.



We expect our suppliers to be in compliance with our Supplier Code of Conduct including their local law, Singapore law and LABOR standards  in accordance to RBA Code (whichever is stricter)  LABOR elements: Freely Chosen Employment, Child Labor Avoidance, Working Hours, Wages & Benefits, Humane Treatment, Non-Discrimination, and Freedom of Association


All suppliers shall agree to be subjected to regular audits where we will monitor for forced or bonded labor (including debt bondage) or exploitative indentured labor, involuntary prison labor, slavery, or trafficking of persons and any non-compliance.


In the event of any non-compliance, suppliers are expected to take prompt and immediate correct actions.


While we work with our channel partners & suppliers to be fully compliant, we expect our suppliers to also maintain strong oversight of their sub suppliers or their next level suppliers in the supply chain.






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Whistle-blowing :While you are encouraged to provide any email address for us to remain in contact in case we need more details for the investigation,  if you wish to report anonymously while using the contact form above, you are not required to provide your name and contact details .  


 Copyright 2024 by Search Haus Consulting (S) Pte Ltd        EA Lic 01C3401        Co Reg. 200009770R

Tel. +65 - 64015834

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